Monday, July 18, 2016

Faith in God Final Award

When we started doing our Faith in God Sunday challenge we felt that there should be something a little bigger than just the back of the book as a reward. This is what we came up with. We decided to a bracelet for the girls and a coin for the boys. 
The bracelets we are making since we can do it for a lot less then buying. I found everything on or at Michael's craft store. The pictures only show the purple bracelet, but we are also doing a bright yellow and a bright sky blue one, all have the white faith in the middle. We thought 3 colors were good for options and we also tried to choose colors that would go with the Young Women Values. Since they will be moving on to YW, we wanted something that would flow easily with all they do in there. 

For the boys we found an Armor of God Coin at Point emblems. They do sell these at Deseret book, but it was less if we bought in bulk, from point emblems. Here are the links to their blog and website. It's easier to view the coins and other things they have on their blog, but you have to order through their website.
Front of coin
Back of coin
We have had 2 boys get their Faith in God Award since we were put in as a presidency and both of them loved the coin! The other boys are excited to get it, too.

We have not had a girl get hers yet, but we have a few coming up in the next couple of months. We have shown them the bracelets and they are super excited as well. 

This is not something that you have to do. As a presidency pray and decide if it will work for your primary. There are so many other options out there as well, this is just what works for us. I hope this helps and if nothing else gives you some fun ideas to work with. Please let me know if you have any questions! I am more than happy to share! 

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