Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Blog Design How-To's

I wanted to share a few of the links that helped me set up this blog (some I am no longer using, but are still really helpful). I hope that these can help you or at least point you in a good direction in making your blog what you want.

Happy blogging!

How to create new pages and then new posts under them.

How to create image links

How to create a custom header in blogger with a navigation links

I used a combination of these first 3 links to design my navigation bar. I created an image in photoshop elements and then spliced it up (the 3rd link). When I initially set up my blog (no customization), I used the 1st link to set up my posts. I decided to design my own header and navbar and found the 2nd link to be very helpful. But instead of linking my navbar to pages, I link it to labels, which is what my posts are linked to. The 2nd link helps in the details of the coding for the css, (which is super basic and really easy). If you have questions let me know. I will try to explain this better at a later date.

How to center page navigation menu links

Create a separate Contact Form Page

Change your site's feed settings

How to get the "Read More" option on your home page

How to create a navigation bar with rollover effects in Photoshop (This one I haven't actually used yet, but I may try it in the future. It looks like a fun one.)

How To Change Post Title Color in Blogger Designer Templates

Change Post Title Font using custom fonts

Customize "Read More" jump link

How to make links in your posts a different color than the links in your sidebar. (Instead of adding this under the "add css" in the advanced section, I put it directly into the Edit Html area. This way I don't accidentally delete it.)

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